Meet Gabriel

by Mar 29, 2014Featured0 comments

Meet Gabriel

by | Mar 29, 2014 | Featured | 0 comments

Little Angels Trust met Gabriel during one of our many relief visits to the Korle-Bu Teaching hospital. In all our involvement with the hospitals we support, Christmas is a fantastic opportunity to serve critically and terminally ill children at the Korle-bu Teaching Hospital Children’s Block in Accra-Ghana.

There may be on average about four hundred on admission with all sorts of medical conditions.
Our team visits each child’s bedside and interact with them and their families. Each patient is then presented with a ‘Goody Bag’ and a cuddly toy.

The team returns after the festive holidays and meet up with specialists, doctors, matrons and nurses to determine which child needs financial assistance and our support. Very often there are quite a few patients from poor backgrounds but sadly we can only help a couple due to lack of resources. Cancer treatments are very expensive.

This year, we have such a child who has cancerous tumours in his kidneys and a heart condition as well.

Our Little Angel Gabriel who is four years old now has successfully had surgery to remove the tumours and is due for chemotherapy treatment. His prognosis is promising and we are assisting his family just as we do for other cancer children.

We desperately need your help to continue to support these brave little ones as they battle for their lives. Let us give them a chance to develop to their full potential.

There is so much we can do but we are limited in resources.
We believe many hands make light work so please DONATE or support in any way that you can. These children need all the help we can give them.

Thank You!


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