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Featured News
15-Year-Old Celebrates Birthday With The Korle Bu Cancer Unit
15-year-old Efua Bugyei celebrated her birthday with children at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH) Oncology unit in collaboration with the Little Angels Trust (LAT). The wonderful occasion which was purposed to put smiles on the faces of children suffering from...
Valentine Visit 2021
Joyous day as we met up with our little angels at the pediatric cancer unit at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital on Valentine’s day to show our love. We’re grateful to all our incredible Partner Angels who contribute to the lives of our brave little champions.The Gift of...
Pre-Christmas Fundraising
FoLAT (Friends of Little Angels Trust) is organising a pre-christmas Fundraising praise harvest dubbed the Rhapsody of Gratitude. The fundraiser is in aid of critically/terminally ill children, as well as those with Autism and mental health conditions. Venue: St....